Edo Photos

Pinhole and Natural Life Photography


Summer Fun in the Country

summer for blog-069

Summer Fun in the Country 田舎の夏の楽しみ
A Top Ten Mix of Good and Bad: 良いものと悪いもののトップ10ミックス:(英語のみ)

Bumble bee buzzes
bumbles about
mistakes the gas burner flame
for a flower.

Barking deer’s lonely cry
reminds me of my cute dog
calling for his supper
then in old age calling us
to change his bed sheet.

Wasp zaps arm and leg
while on high ladder.
Jumping to the ground a meter or more
cursing not wasps…but myself.
Forgot to check for tenants
before chopping back
five meter high climbing rose.
Wasp sting worse than
needle point rose thorns
piercing body.
Price paid for roses’ beauty.

Sly mosquitoes
meander my body
looking for a drink
of my blood
not knowing or caring about
my iron deficiency.

Foolish horseflies
no subtlety at all,
make kamikaze dives
into the smell of sweat,
only to be easily taken out
by a swat or two
with an old newspaper or
the towel off my head.
Rest in Peace.

In a trap, a cage,
a wild boar stinking dead
in nearly unbearable heat,
worse than the long gone mouse
found under the shower floor.
Two more for the prayer list.

Hours after sunset
a curled up poisonous mamushi snake
appreciates the warmth
of my heat holding front walk tiles…
must check, double check…
flashlight, porch light, stick in hand
before making a move
out my own front door at night
to tinkle with the stars.

*Summer fun in the county joy to a few saving graces:

Hot high noon…
some unseen bird
deep in the woods
sings exquisite tune
never heard before

Night, a huge toad hops up
patrolling and eating
insects on the deck
as I sip cold sweet wine.

Cool breezes blow
on my exposed hilltop
long days of light
short fear of the night.
Oh yes…and surfing into a sunset!
Can’t complain
Pay attention
Just right.

(written August 5, 2018, inspired by real events of that summer!)

summer for blog-6719