Edo Photos

Pinhole and Natural Life Photography


Jika Tabi "Earth Shoes"


fall wind                                     
takes the unknown road
spreading wings

aki no kaze, michi no michiyuku, hane nobasu

“As I left my cabin home in the woods of Virginia on a sunny October morning, I sensed the purpose of my trip to Japan was not exactly what I had thought. I planned to be open. I hung up the overalls, put on my best jeans and freshly oiled boots, happy to be on the road again. I wondered what life lessons lay ahead.” (from
Whisper of the Land, essay "Unknown Road")

I came to Japan in the fall of 1979 on the wings of wanderlust. It wasn’t long before I figured out Red Wing work boots weren’t the best footwear for visiting people’s homes and temples where you always had to take your shoes off. I soon went to a department store and bought a fashionable pair of Mizuno brand white sneakers.

When visiting an organic farmer in the mountains outside Kyoto I discovered
jika tabi, which I was told translated as “earth shoes”. I immediately went to the country store and bought a pair. In my mind they still are the perfect footwear for gardening, especially in small Japanese gardens when walking on delicate moss or odd shaped stepping stones and when working my own small hand dug beds in my garden. They are also great for climbing and trimming trees. Made not of leather but of cloth and rubber, there is something special about the soft way these shoes touch the earth.  

So here is a photo of my old work boots which never got much use in Japan and a pair of my favorite
jika tabi. To read more about where I have walked in both pairs of shoes check out my memoir-like collections of essays, "Whisper of the Land” from which the above haiku and quote come from. Celebrating the fourth anniversary of its publication, "Whisper of the Land"  is on sale for the special price of 1,000 yen ($10) - plus shipping (In Japan 180 yen, outside Japan $5 - special rate) - offer good until Jan 31st, 2019. Please message or email me (edoATedophoto.com) with your email address if interested or order through my website.

boots tabi 1000 FB
photos: © Edward Levinson

Fall wind 秋の風 
Takes the unknown road    未知の道行き
Spreading wings        伸ばす

 「輝く十月の朝、バージニアの森の中のキャビンを去るとき、日本への旅の目的は、必ずしもぼくがこうだと考えている通りではない、とぼくは感じた。そこで予定は立てないことにした。トレードマークの、胸当ての付いたオーバーオールとワークブーツを履いたぼくは、頭の回転の遅い無骨な田舎者のように見えるだろう。そこで、オーバーオールを脱いで一番良いジーンズを穿き、新しくオイルを塗ったブーツを履いた。再び旅に出ることが、ぼくにはうれしかった。今度の旅で、どんなレッスンを受けるのだろう?  東京行き中国航空機はサンフランシスコから飛び立った。」

「ぼくの植え方」岩波書店 より「路上を再び」
 “On the Road Again”



そういうことで、日本ではそれほど履かなかった古いワークブーツと、僕の大好きな地下足袋の写真がこれです。ぼくがこれらをどこで履いたかについては、個人史的エッセイ "Whisper of the Land”を読んで下さい。上記の俳句もこの本に載っています。

