updated October 18, 2024
My first popular photo book, Timescapes Japan, published in 2006 is now available on Special Sale .
Limited time special offer signed copy of Timescapes Japan, $20.00 (Usual Retail Price $33)
PLUS International Shipping: Shipping rates Air Mail Small Packet: USA $20, Canada/Europe/Middle East $15, Asia $12
Japan Domestic = 2,000 yen via bank transfer (includes shipping!) (2,200 yen with Credit Card payment)
Please inquire through the Contact Form or Email***
Published by Nippon Camera Publishing Co.
Size: 250 mm (w) x 240 mm (h)
10 1/4 inch (w) x 9 3/4 inch (h)
(a variation of the B4 size)
108 pages, 96 Photos, Duotone
ISBN4-8179-2098-X C0072
"Still Hot" as they say at the local video rental shop
Read reviews and comments for "Timescapes Japan" here.
See More about Timescapses Japan further down the page!
See Below or special page
Three new photo books published by Solo Hill Books November 2019.
Order Signed Copies!
Edward Levinson has published three new photo books to commemorate his 40th year in Japan. All books are in stock and ready to ship around the world and are signed by the author, personally inscribed on request. Free Shipping within Japan! Reasonable worldwide shipping!
1. Spots of Light- Tokyo Limited Supply!
A book of new works featuring all the images shown at Edward’s November 2019 solo exhibition with the same title at Olympus Gallery Tokyo. This is his first pinhole series done completely digitally. A4 size, soft cover, 72 pages, 68 black and white images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process.
US$35 + $10 worldwide shipping, 7-10 days. (3,500 yen - Free shipping in Japan, 1-2 days)
“…In this series photographed between 2015 and 2019, I have used a hybrid approach. I have a camera body, but no lens other than my eye. Using a pinhole mounted on a digital camera allows me the freedom to wander the streets, buildings, and parks without a tripod. The flexibility of using a high ISO when needed widens the range of what was previously possible to capture using film….”
Collage sampler of some of the images in the book.
2. Mind Games SOLD OUT!
This popular series of Edward’s first major pinhole works in color were exhibited in various venues in 2011-2012 is now in book form for the first time. B4 size, hard cover, 48 pages, 41 pinhole color collage images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process. US$40 + $10 worldwide shipping 7-10 days. (4,000 yen - free shipping in Japan, 1-2 days)
“…When I first started using the three-hole “Pinhole Blender” camera it felt like a good tool for creating stories. Usually I search for three scenes or objects that somehow go together. I look for humor, irony, and social statements when combining the three images into one photograph…”
More sample Images on the Gallery Pinhole Page
3. Silhouette Stories SOLD OUT!
This special still life shadow series was photographed in 2006 in Edward’s home/studio using natural window light and analogue pinhole cameras. These images also appear in book form for the first time. A5 size, soft cover, 40 pages, 32 black and white images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process.
$25 Free shipping! 7-10 days. (2,500 yen - Free shipping in Japan, 1-2 days)
“…In this series of work I am looking beyond what seems “real” to see another world, a make believe world that comes to life through the playful interaction of still life objects…”.
More sample Images on the Gallery Pinhole Page
International payment: via “Paypal” Invoice or “Square” invoice online payment method.
In Japan payment: via Post Office Payment, Bank transfer, or above Credit Card services.
Please use the contact book order form to order or if you prefer regular email.
Be sure to include what name you would like on the inscription.
Order Contact Form:
Order Via email: edoATedophoto.com
Balloon on Fire - Book of Haiku with Photos Published September 2019!
Currently SOLD OUT at Solo Hill Books. Available on Amazon and Publisher' Website.
Balloon on Fire, a small volume of my haiku with black and white photo illustrations, has been published by Cyberwit.net. Bilingual in English and Japanese, the book contains 54 haiku and 20 photo illustrations. The Japanese haiku text is also rendered in the Roman alphabet making it possible to read the Japanese without knowing the kanji characters or Japanese alphabet. Soft cover, A5 size, 60 pages. $15 or 1,500 yen
Please Note: This is my first book of published haiku with includes some photo illustrations and is printed on plain paper. (It is not a "photo book").
(TO PURCHASE, more details and excerpt click here!!)

Small Photo Book!
A new small photo book titled Moments in the Light was published for the occasion of my May 2017 photo exhibition. Publication Date May 25, 2017
About the book:
Title: Moments in the Light
A5 size, soft cover, 48 pages, 37 black and white pinhole photographs, with short introductory text in English and Japanese. Price 1,000 yen ($10) Free shipping in Japan.
NOTE INTERNATIONAL SALES TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED DUE TO LOW INVENTORY! (Unless purchased with other books Timescapes Japan or Whisper of the Land" !)
International: $13 includes shipping - currently unavailable. Published by Solo Hill Books.
Payment: Paypal (Paypal Balance rather than credit card preferred), US bank check, or other method if you have one!
For inquires and orders please use the book order form.
Book front (right) and back (left) covers
A collection essays based on the story of my life in Japan covering 35 years published in English!
Title: "Whisper of the Land - Visions of Japan".
Publication Date: Nov 2014. Published by Fine Line Press
ISBN 9780473305758
To Purchase Click HERE
Signed copies are available directly from me.
Please click here to see the "official website" dedicated to this book.
Please contact me or join my mailing list to get news when it is published.
Sign up for Edo Photos English Newsletter
***My first popular photo book monograph, Timescapes Japan, published in 2006 is now available on Special Sale.
Limited time special offer signed copy of Timescapes Japan, $20.00 (Usual Retail Price $33)
PLUS International Shipping: Shipping rates Air Mail Small Packet: USA $20, Canada/Europe/Middle East $15, Asia $12
Please inquire through the Contact Form or Email***
"Timescapes Japan - A Pinhole Journey"
Published by Nippon Camera Publishing Co.
Size: 250 mm (w) x 240 mm (h)
10 1/4 inch (w) x 9 3/4 inch (h)
(a variation of the B4 size)
108 pages, 96 Photos, Duotone
ISBN4-8179-2098-X C0072
"Still Hot" as they say at the local video rental shop
Let me know how or if you want me to inscribe the book
NEW = Watch My Pinhole Sampler Movie @ YouTube!
This movie is a sampler of 26 photos from my award winning book "Timescapes Japan - A Pinhole Journey" published in 2006. Signed and inscribed copies of the book are available by ordering on my book page.
Makes a nice Christmas or birthday present.
More Book info further below!
Read reviews and comments for "Timescapes Japan" here.
See PDF Sample here (sample pages taken at random, scale is SMALLER than real book)
Click the link the get the PDF flyer for photo book
Send an email to order
BEST DEAL is signed copies from the author
or Purchase from other bookseller links below
Book Award: Edward Levinson was Awarded: First Prize in PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS (PX3) competition for the category BOOK-Other (Cover + 4 Inside Images) for the entry titled, " Timescapes Japan ." The jury selected 2007's winners from more than 8,000 photography entries from 85 countries. See news page or Click here for details
Comments about Timescapes Japan
[Introduction from an interview by Gregg Kemp, Jul 14, 2006]
"One of the first thoughts I had while viewing and reading Edward Levinson's new book "Timescapes Japan - A Pinhole Journey", was how much my own photography has been influenced by him. The influence isn't so much in the images themselves as it is in Ed's approach to pinhole photography. Whether it is the influence of Japanese culture or perhaps Ed's personal nature, his approach to his work is thoughtful and meditative. And his photographs of the last several years reflect those qualities of his style. This approach is also apparent in his sparse, but eloquent writing that accompanies the book. This book is a collection of images you will want to return to often."
Short review from AlternativePhotography.com
Timescapes Japan, A Pinhole Journey by Edward Levinson is a wonderful journey of both photography and a country.
Coming home a little stressed from work and finding the book sitting outside my door, I immediately sat down and started leafing through the book at “work pace”.
I was expecting an essay form and was rather surprised finding there was only a short introduction, in both English and Japanese – all the credits are at the back of the book where the images are described in great detail. At first, I was flipping the pages back and forth, but soon found the images told me enough of a story.
After only a few pages the beautiful tranquil black & white pinhole images started drawing me in, the frantic pace of the turning pages slowed down and by the end of the book I felt as though I had travelled to Japan. It was a very relaxing trip, and…
“…I warmly recommend it to everyone.” Malin Fabbri, founder AlternativePhotography.com
"Timescapes Japan, A pinhole Journey, will take all viewers on a journey that will change their lives for ever. The hidden healing power inside the images, will gently open the hearts of all people. Not any words, neither any comments, will be able to express the beauty, the magic touch of love and the soul power of the work realized by Edward Levinson."
- Fran De Frangh (Belgium)
Review of "Timescapes Japan": "Edward, I have owned your book for two years and I come back to it many times. This book is visual poetry. A beauty and subtlety from within is covers will be appreciated by paging slowly and on occasion when your mind wants to absorb such poetry. Thank you for this volume." - Collin J. Orthner (Canada)
Read More Reviews and Comments about the book here!
Reviewed in the June 2007 issue 51 of Black and White Magazine
Contents: Japan as seen through the eyes of Edward Levinson and his pinhole cameras. Selected black and white photographs from three series of work from 1993 to recent work. Brief text in English and Japanese. Featured Series: “Healing Landscapes” “Sacred Japan” “Japanese Cityscapes” CURRENTLY ON SALE SEE TOP OF PAGE!
Regular Retail Price: 3,300 yen or $33 US (see shipping prices below)
Signed copies are available by ordering directly from Edward Levinson Payable via PayPal or pay via Check in US dollars from US Bank
Orders from outside Japan, Will be billed online via Paypal or Square
Let me know how or if you want me to inscribe the book.
International Shipping: Shipping rates Air Mail Small Packet: USA $20, Canada/Europe/Middle East $15, Asia $12
Signed Books Also Available at photo-eye Bookstore in Santa Fe New Mexico and their online store
Usually ships in one business day!
*"photo-eye" is an internationally known bookstore/gallery specializing in photography books*
Signed books also available from the Pinhole Resource
unsigned books at
And at Amazon.com via this link
And from Japan's amazon.co,jp via this link
Shipping Prices Direct from author: Current shipping price for ONE book to USA, Europe, Australia:
International Shipping: Shipping rates Air Mail Small Packet: USA $20, Canada/Europe/Middle East $15, Asia $12
Free Shipping within Japan for ONE Book One book Post Office Book Rate 340 yen Two books Post Office Book Rate 450 yen Payable through "Yubin Furimkomi"
To Order or For More Info send an email
Pinhole Essay Book Published April 26, 2007
Title:“Edo's Lessons In Pinhole Photography -Photography for Slow Life”
Published by Iwanami Publishers.
[Front and Back covers]
The book is published in Japanese with hopes of an English edition later.
The original manuscript is in English
If you read Japanese, look at the Japanese Book Page
This is a not a "how to" book but a "why to" book of essays of pinhole photography and its relation to life. The book was inspired by the original Edo’s Esoteric Pinholistic Essays which can be found in the Writings section of this website.
For more info and PDF Flyer in Japanese with sample photos click here.
A collection essays based on the story of my life in Japan covering 35 years published in English!
Title: "Whisper of the Land - Visions of Japan".
Publication Date: Nov 2014. Published by Fine Line Press
Please click here to see the "official website" dedicated to this book.
Please contact me or join my mailing list to get more news.
Sign up for Edo Photos English Newsletter
**The photo below is a book about my life in Japan published in Japanese.
If you read Japanese, look at the Japanese Book Page
For info about the Japanese editions go here.