Bob Dylan Center and Woody Guthrie Center - Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
While visiting my sister’s house in Tulsa Oklahoma, USA in November 2022 in Tulsa Oklahoma, USA, we went to visit the The Bob Dylan Center!
In a huge space so much colorful stuff to see, from his beginnings up to the Nobel Prize. Each exhibit has music to listen to on head phones as you walk around. Quite a journey. The message for our challenging times, “the answer is blowin in the wind”, so keep your ears and heart open.
(Click on the thumbnails to enlarge. You can also click the arrows on left corner to advance to the next photo.)
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. The Woody Guthrie Center is just next door to the Bob Dylan Center. Lots of good inspiration looking at his life works. Lots of signs of Love and Peace, and the message on the entrance door say “No Weapons Allowed Except Guitars”.
オクラホマ州タルサ市。 ウッディ ・ガスリー センターは、ボブ ・ディラン センターのすぐ隣にあります。 彼のライフワークを見ると良いインスピレーションがたくさん沸いてきました。 愛と平和のサインがたくさんあり、入り口のドアには「ギター以外の武器持込禁止」というメッセージが書かれています。