Watching and Waiting
Every year is always busy. It may be traveling for a photographic
project, preparing for exhibitions, working on a book, or as in
this past year building a new house and studio. Sometimes it is
just the routine and pressures of ordinary life that keep me busier
than I would like. Days go by where I think I didn't do anything
creative. But the one thing I can do even when I am too busy or
uninspired to make photographs is to just keep my eyes open to the
world around me. If I pay attention, eventually I "see"
something. It may not mean anything to others but it has meaning
to me.
Americans have the expression "keep on trucking"
meaning to continue going down the road. A pinhole friend who is
fighting cancer perseveres with the thought "keep on pinholing".
My hope is that I no matter what, I "keep on looking".
On a stroll through glittering Ginza or weather beaten old Tokyo
("shita machi"), in the countryside or wherever I happen
to be, I watch and wait for a photographic moment.
Edward Levinson (2004)